Our new research group, "Synchronizing the Body in Ancient Medicine and Philosophy," coordinated by Prof. Philip van der Eijk, includes three new fellows and explores ancient views of the sick body, living bodies and environmental phenomena, as well as women's bodily rhythms.

Annette Heinrich's project examines the synchronization of disease and therapeutic action in ancient medical texts. It examines how ancient physicians used temporal rhythms of the human body and nature to influence disease development and treatment outcomes, taking into account methodological changes and different perspectives within ancient medicine.

Giouli Korobili's project explores the concept of natural synchronicity between living bodies (human, animal, plant) and environmental phenomena (climate, seasons, meteorological events) in ancient Greek thought, focusing on Aristotle and the Hippocratic corpus. It explores their interplay and aims to reveal the key principles behind synchronous changes.

Kassandra Miller's project focuses on the intersection of time, medicine, gender, and agency in Greco-Roman antiquity. It covers various aspects, including menstrual regulation, reproductive timelines, and perceptions of old age in different contexts. It spans the Roman Imperial period, drawing on precedents in Egyptian, Assyro-Babylonian, and Classical Greek contexts, and analyzes medical and non-medical sources.
We are also pleased to welcome Ayelet Landau from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Johannes Zachhuber (University of Oxford), who is returning to the EC-C for a new project.

Ayelet Landau's project aims to bridge the gap between psychological and neuroscientific research on time perception. It aims to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework that incorporates experimental findings on time illusion and estimation, thereby providing a valuable taxonomy for understanding the neural basis of time perception.

Johannes Zachhuber's project addresses the role of chronology in the early modern reinvention of antiquity. It examines how early modern scholars used chronological rearrangements to historicize antiquity and synchronize it with a temporal framework. The project focuses on the work of Denys Pétau and its connection to the emergence of historical thought.