The Multiple Lives of Hammurabi
Prof. Dr. Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum (FU Berlin), EC-Chronoi
Prof. Dr. Nicola Laneri (University di Catania)
Ever since the discovery of the stele containing the 282 laws, King Hammurabi of Babylon has become widely recognized as one of the most prominent historical figures of the ancient Near East in the Western world. His code is not only a significant representation of Mesopotamian culture, but also holds great importance in European education over the past century. Even before his legacy gained popularity among modern scholars, the intellectual construction of Hammurabi's cultural impact had already begun under his successors. The complex and charismatic personality of Hammurabi, shaped through his political and military conquests, became the spirit of his era, enduring for thousands of years in the memories of later ancient Near Eastern civilizations. It served as a significant political and cultural milestone in the collective consciousness of Mesopotamia. This research project aims to investigate the historiographic perception of Hammurabi and his era at various stages of later history and in different cultural contexts. Fellows and members of the Chronoi Team will explore various historiographic aspects of the Hammurabi era, with a specific focus on how it is perceived as both a lawmaker and a political guide. This project, conducted in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Nicola Laneri (University of Catania, Italy), will consist of two main parts: (1) A Chronoi exhibition space within the frame of the Exhibition “On Hammurabi’s Path”. The posters will explore various themes, concerning Hammurabi, his era, and his perception, such as "Temporalities of Hammurabi's Era," "Hammurabi among the Moderns," and "Mesopotamian Antiquarianism." They will be showcased, as a Chronoi space, within the larger "On Hammurabi's Path" exhibition in Catania. (2) The organization of a two-days workshop on Hammurabi, his era, and the different perceptions surrounding him. This workshop will coincide with the opening of the exhibition on December 6, 2024, in Catania.