Dr. Cinzia Pappi
Research Associate
E-mail: cinzia.pappi@fu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 (0)30 838-75932
Address: Otto-von-Simson-Straße 7, 14195 Berlin
E-mail: first.last@berliner.antike.kollge.de
Dr. Cinzia Pappi studied Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, and Classical Archaeology at the universities of Padova (Italy), Udine (Italy), and Heidelberg (Germany). Her scientific research is focused on the religious landscapes, socio-political history, and chronologies of Syria and Northern Mesopotamia. After obtaining her PhD in 2007 from the University of Udine (Italy) with a dissertation on the religious landscapes of the Middle Bronze Age in Syria, she was assistant professor at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and visiting professor at Brown University (USA) and at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). She has been involved in several epigraphic and archaeological projects in Italy, Syria, and Iraq. Since 2010, she has worked in Iraqi-Kurdistan directing excavations and surface investigations in the region of Koi Sanjaq/Koya (Erbil, Iraq). She has been a board member and secretary of the International Association of Assyriology since 2016.
Selected Publications
Gli itinerari di culto nell’etá di Mari. PhD Dissertation. University of Udine 2007. (A revised english version “The Religious Landscape of Mari” is in preparation, planned submission in December 2022).
Cuneiform Texts of the Iraq Museum. A Preliminary Catalogue. Neo-Assyrian Texts from Nimrud, Part I (Materiali per il Vocabolario Sumerico 14), Roma 2004.
Edited Book
With I. Madreiter, R. Rollinger, M. Lang, and C. Pappi (Eds.), The Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient Near East: Papers held at the 64th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale and the 12th Melammu Symposia, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (in Press).
Assyrian Hegemonies and Local Communities: Settlement Patterns and Mobility in the Region of Koi Sanjaq/Koya (Erbil, Iraq) in L. d’Alfonso, I. Calini, R. Hawley, M.G. Masetti-Rouault (Eds.) Between the Age of Diplomacy and the First Great Empire in Ancient West Asia (1200-900 BC): Moving Beyond the Paradigm of Collapse and Regeneration, ISAW Digital Publications (in Press).
Come, Tell Me Where You Live! Perceptions of Local Antiquity and Cultural Awareness in the Region of Koya. Proceedings of the Conference Broadening Horizons, Archaeopress (in Press).
Between Assyria and Adiabene: Cultural Transitions in the Valley of the Lower Zab, in C. Coppin, R. Palermo, R. Pappalardo, R. Pierobon (Eds.), “Dark Ages”? Identifying Markers of Transition in Mesopotamia and the Near East on a Diachronic Scale, Studia Chaburiensia, Harrassowitz (in Press).
With O. Maeda Bladelet production by pressure-flaking at the Proto-Neolithic site of Satu Qala in L. Astruc, C. McCartney, F. Briois and V. KassianidouIraqi-Kurdistan, (Eds.) Near Eastern Lithic Technologies on the Move (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 40), Nicosia: Astrom Editions (2019) 249-256.
The Land of Idu: City, Province, or Kingdom ?" State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 24 (2018) 97-123.
Satu Qala: Stratigraphy and Material Culture of the Assyrian and Post-Assyrian Phases in K. Kopanias and John MacGinnis (eds.), The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions, Oxford: Archaeopress. (2016) 297-307.
Religion and Politics at the Divine Table: the Cultic Travels of Zimrī-Līm, in G. Wilhelm (Ed.) Proceedings of the 54th Réncontre Assyriologique Internationale, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns 2012.