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Junior Chronoi Talk: “Time and Intentio in Augustine’s Early Thought” (Hybrid)

Valeria Beggiato

October 5, 2023

3 - 4 pm (CET)

Valeria Beggiato

Temporality and intentionality are two closely intertwined concepts in Augustine's thinking, as evidenced by his well-known analysis of time in Confessions XI. Here, Augustine analyzes timeand its perception, connecting the three temporal dimensions of past, present, and future to their corresponding intentional presence within the soul: memory, attention, and expectation. My dissertation project examines this fundamental relationship, with a particular emphasis on tracing the evolution of the central notion of "intentio" throughout Augustine's works, from his early dialogues to its mature account of time in Confessions.

The presentation will primarily focus on shedding light on the significance of this notion by looking at its initial appearance in Augustine’s first analysis of time in De immortalitate animae 3-4. This earlier account, along with the later analysis of De musica VI, anticipates and prepares Augustine’srenowned analysis in Confessions XI, offering valuable insights into his elaboration process and the philosophical tools he employed in addressing the problem of time.

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  • Joining directly in your browser; simply click the link above, and look for a button with this option near the bottom of the webpage.

  • Downloading the program to your computer (instructions can be found by following the meeting link)

  • Using the smartphone app called “Cisco Webex Meetings."

You are welcome to enter the online conference room up to 15 minutes in advance of the start time.

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